


National Nature Service overview & plan

The original policy proposal for a National Nature Service, created by Beth Thoren and the Wildlife & Countryside Link in 2020.

This sets our how our original conception of a national service for nature might work, and how it could happen. It was presented to Government


YES Two pager
(May ‘22)

A short, shareable, description of what the Youth Environmental Service is, how it would work, and the impact it might have.


YES Concept Overview

A more detailed overview of the updated YES vision, including problem statement and proposed user experience, as developed through the co-design process


YES Midlands Co-design records

A repository of all YES co-design documents and whiteboards (access available on request)


Carbon Capture - Initial themes

Initial themes and findings immediately off of the back of the Carbon Capture event held in October


Carbon Capture - Draft report

A drafted report of all findings from the Carbon Capture event, co-written with the Berggruen Institute and the participants themselves