Our values shape who we are and the decisions we make

The YES values

Created in collaboration with our partners, young people, and sector experts, they make sure we stay true to our core purpose and help us to assess our approach as the programme continues to evolve.

We will be…

  • Youth led

    Both in its design and implementation, the Youth Environmental Service will be fundamentally youth led.

    This means ensuring young people have a seat at the table in all design discussions, and empowering them to drive the kinds of change they want to see in the world.

    We’ve signed the #PowerOfYouth charter, outlining our commitments to making sure young people can shape our organisation.

  • Inclusive, diverse, and accessible

    We strive to be an actively open and inclusive organisation at our core.

    We embrace and reflect the diversity in the UK that makes us all stronger, providing a platform for different voices and different perspectives to be part of the discussion.

  • Grounded in science

    All YES projects will be environmentally driven and scientifically informed.

    They focus on using the right tools at the right time in the right place to actively address the environmental and biodiversity crises facing the UK.

  • Collaborative and network-led

    As an organisation we cannot function without leaning into the wider environmental network.

    Collaboration is at the heart of how we operate, with a networked model that makes the most of the skills and knowledge from across the public, private, and charitable sectors.

  • Empowering tomorrow's leaders

    The YES experience should create a new generation of confident, capable and passionate environmentalists.

    Our participants should be equipped with the skills and mindset to go out and create positive change in their personal lives, their communities, and across wider society.

  • Inspirational

    YES will offer a powerful new positive story of collective action in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.

    In the same way that ‘blitz spirit’ is talked about today, YES aims to be a clear example of the power of collective action to make an impact, helping inspire current and future generations to action.